Een nieuwe groep Verstorende Kennis begint in november

In november begint er een tweede leesgroep Mad Studies voor nieuwe deelnemers. Voor praktische informatie lees de “about” pagina.

Een aantal mensen van de eerste groep hebben een vragenlijst ingevuld over de leesgroep. Iedereen geeft aan veel geleerd te hebben en we kregen het gemiddelde cijfer 7,5. Enkele opmerkingen van de deelnemers:

“Zowel het lezen zelf als de discussies hebben mij aan het denken gezet in positieve zin.”

“Wat me het meest is bijgebleven is de diversiteit aan onderwerpen en de veelzijdigheid van elk onderwerp. Er is een wereld voor me open gegaan.”

“Prikkelende sfeer”

CFP: Special Issue of Intersectionalities, ‘Mad Studies: Intersections with Disability Studies, Social Work and Mental Health’

Intersectionalities: A Global Journal of Social Work Analysis, Research, Polity, and Practice has just launched a call for papers on a special issue of the journal.  We hope that you will consider contributing to this special issue, and please do send this call for papers out to your contacts.

Special Issue Call For Papers: Mad Studies

Guest Editors

  • Peter Beresford, Professor of Social Policy, Brunel University, UK
  • Brenda LeFrançois, Associate Professor, Memorial University, Canada
  • Jasna Russo, PhD Candidate, Brunel University, UK

Abstract Submission Deadline: 3rd November 2014

The special issue ‘Mad Studies: Intersections with Disability Studies, Social Work and Mental Health’ aims for an interdisciplinary ­or in/disciplinary collection of articles that will demonstrate the relationship and contribution of Mad Studies to other related fields of study.

Questions that we would in particularly like to explore include, but are not limited to:

  • How has the project of Mad Studies been taken up both in and outside of Canada in the fields of disability studies, social work and/or mental health? How is this emergent field evolving internationally?
  • How are Mad bodies read within the fields of mental health, disability studies and/or social work?   How might Mad Studies open a space to read Mad bodies differently and/or understand madness through the filter of social justice principles and in particular with the centering of the analyses of those who have been psychiatrized?
  • What kind of knowledge production might lead to the development of non-medical conceptualizations and alternative social responses to madness, sanism, and psychiatrization, including resistance to current power relationships within and outside of the mental health system?
  • In what ways do Mad identities intersect with other socially disadvantaged subjectivities in (re)producing hierarchies of dominance and subordination?
  • In what ways does using an intersectionality lens support the unpacking of the role of sanism within the matrix of domination?
  • What  are  the  working  realities  of  Mad  identified  scholars and advocates  within  both academic and non-academic settings?
  • Intersectionalities provides a forum for addressing issues of social difference and power. In order to keep with the journal¹s focus we in particularly seek contributions   which consider the intersections of age, disability, class, poverty, gender and sexual identity, geographical (dis)location, colonialism/imperialism, indigeneity, racialization, ethnicity, citizenship.

Please see the Journal policy at:

Review process and the time line

Please submit abstracts by 3rd November 2014 (not more than 500 words).

The guest editors of this special issue will review the abstracts and notify you about the decision by 24th November 2014.

The full manuscripts are due 30th March 2015.

Submitting manuscripts

Contributions should be between 3000 and 7000 words. Submissions should follow the Journal¹s editorial policies and guidelines for submissions, which can be found at: Please note it is the responsibility of the submitting authors to ensure that the articles are correctly edited for Canadian English and within the journal¹s format.

At the top of your submission, please clearly state: Special Issue: Mad Studies: Intersections with Disability Studies, Social Work and Mental Health.

All papers should be submitted online at

We encourage contributions from authors of various regions and backgrounds and will answer any further inquiries. Please direct inquiries to the guest editors:

Theory as a location of healing

bell hooks (Amerikaanse schrijver, activist en feminist) schrijft: I came to theory because I was hurting – the pain within me was so intense that I could not go on living. I came to theory desperate, wanting to comprehend – to grasp what was happening around and within me. Most importantly, I wanted to make the hurt go away. I saw in theory then a location for healing. (…)

Theory is not inherently healing, liberatory, or revolutionary. It fulfills this function only when we ask that it do so and direct our theorizing towards this end.
Uit: Teaching to transgress. Education as the Practice of Freedom, 1994.

Call for papers: Imagining Contexts for Mental Illness

Submissions are invited for a special issue of the Journal of Medical Humanities on the theme “Imagining Contexts for Mental Illness.” Submissions to be considered include abstracts for articles, short fiction, poetry, personal essays, comics, and photographs.

Voortgang Mad Studies lees- en studiegroep

De deelnemers hebben in april een brainstorm gehouden over wat ons interesseert. Daaruit kwamen de onderwerpen: neoliberalisme en biologische psychiatrie, andere culturen en psychische klachten, het begrip ‘herstel’, eenzaamheid en verbinding. Er zijn tot nu toe zeven bijeenkomsten geweest van de Mad Studies lees- en studiegroep. Naast de thema’s van de brainstorm zijn de volgende onderwerpen aan de orde geweest: woorden, psychose en het religieus perspectief/mystiek, fenomenologie.

We lazen en bediscussiëerden teksten van Ronald Bassman, Ronald J. Berger, Margaret Price, Bonnie Burstow, Wouter Kusters, Rob de Vries, Joanna Moncrieff, Tanya Luhrmann, Michael Goddard, Marina Morrow en Wilma Boevink. En we bekeken het televisieprogramma door Belgische psychiater Dirk de Wachter.

Er zijn 13 deelnemers die regelmatig komen. Er was veel interesse in de leesgroep. Meer dan er kunnen deelnemen. Daarom staan er nu 17 mensen op de wachtlijst.


Tweede bijeenkomst over woorden, identiteit en definities.

Een korte documentaire waarin 12 activisten van de c/s/x beweging uit Toronto vertellen over hoe ze zichzelf identificeren.



De tweede bijeenkomst lazen we artikelen over woorden en definities.

– Margaret Price, Defining Mental Disability Uit: Disability Studies Reader, Lennart J. Davis (ed), Routledge; 4th edition (2013)

-Burstow, Bonnie (2013). “A Rose by Any Other Name: Naming and the Battle against Psychiatry.” In: Mad Matters. A critical reader in Canadian Mad Studies. B. A. LeFrancois, R. Menzies & G. Reaume (ed.). Canadian Scholars’ Press Inc.

– The Transcontinental Disability Choir (2009). “What is Ableist Language and Why Should You Care?” In: Bitch Magazine.

Meer informatie over de Nederlandse anti-psychiatrie beweging en gekkenbeweging.